Casting light on aluminum and copper

    Based on its global appeal, this is WAI’s fourth offering of this masterfully crafted program for aluminum and copper continuous casting practitioners.

    Experts from all regions unite to share the latest industry developments. The forum features a combined general session, separate tracks for each discipline, and time to see the Interwire exhibits.

    If you are involved with continuous casting of aluminum or copper, this concentrated program is for you.


    Hot spots:

    Coming Soon! The list of scheduled presentations will be available in November of 2024. If you are an expert who would like to submit their work for presentation at this forum, please visit our Call For Papers page to learn more and submit an abstract.

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    Sponsorship includes:

    • Pre-event and on-site promotion as below


    • GCCF Wednesday Night Dinner

    • Conference Proceedings

    • Coffee Break Signs & Schedule Meter Boards


    Sponsorship includes:

    • Pre-event and on-site promotion as below


    • Monday Night GCCF Welcome Reception

    • Conference Program



    Sponsorship includes:

    • Pre-event and on-site promotion as below

    All sponsors will receive recognition in pre-show promotion; on the website; in Wire Journal International; on conference presentation screens; and on on-site signs. Company names will be listed alphabetically within the appropriate tier and company logos will be accommodated as space permits.

    Access the Global Continuous Casting Forum and see more than 400 exhibitors !
