Interwire 2025

    May 13-15, 2025 at the Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta, GA, USA

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    INTERWIRE: Shaping the future of wire making.

    Uniting people & technology.

    Click on an event below for more information

    This is the Wire Association’s most popular training program and refresher course for new hires, sales teams, and operations personnel.
    (Preconference and requires separate registration)

    The INTERWIRE conference program is shaping the future of wire making in this era of global change. Learn how AI, machine learning, and other advances provide proven pathways to success.

    Casting Forums
    If you recommend or purchase capital equipment plan to visit INTERWIRE to review all that is available to you at this global marketplace. Register now to see the exhibits at INTERWIRE.
    Extrusion Workshop

    Explore extrusion processes in this hands-on workshop. Led by industry veterans, the small group setting encourages problem-solving discussions and includes a guided tour of the exhibit floor.
    (Requires separate registration)

    Global Continuous Casting Forum

    Aluminum and copper continuous casting practitioners unite for this 4-day forum featuring advancements in casting technologies and process improvements. Includes tech and panel sessions, networking, and Aurubis Plant tour.
    (Requires separate registration)

    Masthead image
